Pool Tile Cleaning | Pool Tile Repair | Calcium Removal

Pool calcium tile cleaning

Pool Tile Cleaning: DIY Solutions You Can Use Immediately 

Pool tile cleaning near me service is important for pool owner. Yoel Romero said: “This world is always working against a sense of honor, cleanliness, and integrity.” Let’s make sure your pool isn’t such a “world”. The beauty of your pool is obvious when neat. Everyone loves cleanliness, except those annoying bacteria. Californians love cleanliness. So, if you want your pool to be used, this is for you.

Annoying stains that make your pool tile ugly are calcium disposition, rust stain, algae stain, and common dirt. Each of these annoyances has hacks to get rid of them, easily and effectively.

Let’s usher them in:

For Pool Tile Cleaning

Hard water or minerals are usually the cause for . look like white or gray crusty deposits. They can get really stuck and, in worst cases, permanent if left unattended to and trust me, you wouldn’t want to change your tiles because of a stain that you could handle, right? So this is the solution: 

If you hate science, you could skip the next three lines, but trust me, it contains just the basics. I can carry you along. 

Calcium stains are salt deposits, and you can dissolve these salts with an acid of some type. You probably already have something around your home that can fix this.

Use Vinegar

Calcium stains can be removed with vinegar. You have to be patient because the process is slow. Do this: Heat your towel, get it soaked in vinegar and tiles with it.

Rust Stain

Rust stains can make your tiles feel so old. Your pool won’t just be tagged old, but as well as dirty.

Here’s the solution:

Break down a rust stain with washing soda and ketchup, then wipe away.

For this homemade rust remover, you’ll need to reach into the fridge and grab a popular hot dog topper ketchup. Mixed with washing soda, this condiment can work wonders, returning your metal items back to their former gleaming glory.

To create the mixture, put water and washing soda in a spray bottle, and shake the bottle vigorously. Saturate the orange spots with the mixture, then top with some ketchup to get rid of the rust. Allow the items to sit for two hours before you rinse with water and wipe dry.


 Algae are slimy, greenish substances that appear in stagnant water. They make pools look like disgusting storm drains. So, they are living things that struggle for life just as every living things, this idea makes their handling easy. This is the solution:

Use boiling water

Get the pool drained, to the extent of exposing the algae-affected surface. Get boiling water and pour over the surface. This definitely would kill those annoying‌ cells and then make the scrub easier, reach over to a stiff brush, scrub the surface, and wash away with a hose. 

For algae stains, a lot of pool owners might be quick to reach for a bleach and wash off those surfaces, because algae are living things , they don’t need all those hassles. If you use a white tile, then bleach might be a beautiful option, if not, you wouldn’t want to have a “zebra-pool” with different unartistic and unattractive color components, with bleach turning most surfaces white… that’s a lot of hassle, right? 

Common Dirts 

Stubborn dirt can be washed off with water, detergent, and a pressure washer. Have you tried all the chemicals experts recommended? Well, don’t stay frustrated, you can channel it on something effective, reach out for a pressure washer! It’s a secret ingredient to many secret-ingredient-cleaning.


These tips are cool, right? Now here is a better tip: you don’t need all these hassles, when you can get faster, better and more professional pool cleaning services, this service is just a click away from you. Contact a professional pool tile cleaning company. Quality is not just our act, it’s our habit! Let’s make cleaning your pool a habit.