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How to Do Your Home Pool Maintenance in Duarte

Having a home Pool maintenance in your backyard can be a thing of beauty and pride. However, like any other outdoor equipment you use regularly, it requires maintenance to stay in top shape and maintain its beauty. But if you don’t know what you’re doing, you can do more harm than good, especially to the body of your pool. That’s why this article is for you. In it, you will find how to safely maintain your pool even without having to call in the experts.

home Pool maintenance

Before Conducting Home Pool Maintenanc, Have a Plan

Before you start any type of maintenance, create a schedule that outlines the tasks you need to do and when you will do them. Depending on your pool’s size and usage, you may want to plan home Pool maintenance for weekly, monthly, and quarterly.

Weekly tasks should include skimming the surface, vacuuming the pool, brushing the walls, checking and balancing chemicals, and back washing the filter. These simple steps will help keep your pool looking its best.

Monthly maintenance should involve cleaning the pump basket, checking the filter pressure gauge, cleaning the skimmer baskets, and checking the tile line. Taking a few extra minutes each month can help prolong the life of your pool equipment.

Quarterly tasks should include draining the pool (at least partially), inspecting the pool surface for wear and tear, and checking the electrical system for any issues. Don’t go crazy, though. There are experts for that. Also, check the circulation system for any signs of corrosion or leaks. Having a plan for these tasks will ensure that your pool is always running smoothly and safely.

If you haven’t got the time to implement a plan as detailed as this, at the very least make sure to skim and vacuum the pool at least twice a month to preserve its image. You should also schedule regular inspections by a professional at least once a year.

Your Home Pool Maintenance

Check the levels

It’s important to check your pool water’s levels regularly to ensure it is within the recommended range of 7.2 – 7.6. If the levels are too low, the water can become acidic and can cause skin irritation or damage to metal parts. If they’re too high, the water will become alkaline and can cause chlorine to be less effective, leading to cloudy or discolored water.

To check your pool water’s pH levels, you will need a pool test kit. This kit usually includes a container for collecting a sample of your pool water and several chemical drops that you can add to it. Follow the instructions included in your test kit and compare the resulting color of your sample against the provided chart to determine if your pool’s pH levels are in range.

If your pool’s pH levels are not in the recommended range, it is important to address this immediately. You may need to add chemicals to your pool to adjust the pH levels accordingly. We would recommend contacting a professional who is knowledgeable about swimming pool maintenance and can help you get your pH levels back in balance.

home Pool maintenance

Keep an eye on the filter

The filter helps keep the water clean and free from debris, so it’s important to check it regularly. Make sure it is running correctly, and replace any damaged parts as soon as possible. Also, check to make sure it isn’t clogged. If you notice that the water isn’t circulating properly or that the filter isn’t running as efficiently as it should, then it’s time to take action. Clean the filter, change the filter media, or backwash the filter if necessary. All these steps will help ensure your pool is kept clean and healthy.

Shock the pool

Shocking a pool involves adding a concentrated dose of chlorine or other sanitizers to the water, which kills off contaminants and prevents algae growth. It also helps to oxidize organic matter and other impurities in the water. Shocking should be done at least once a month, but more often if you have a lot of people using the pool.

Before shocking the pool, you should test the pH levels and adjust them as needed. This will ensure that the chlorine or other sanitizer can work effectively. When the pH is too high, it can prevent the chlorine from working properly and may even cause skin irritation or eye discomfort. Once the pH levels are correct, you can begin to shock the pool.

The amount of sanitizer you need depends on the size of the pool and the current chlorine levels in the water. As a general rule, you should use one pound of granular chlorine or one quart of liquid chlorine per 10,000 gallons of water. If you’re using an alternative sanitizer, such as bromine, you should check the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended dosage.

Once you’ve added the chlorine or other sanitizer to the pool, allow it to circulate for at least four hours. Then test the chlorine levels again to make sure they are within the recommended range (2-4 ppm). If they are not, add additional chlorine or another sanitizer as needed.

Maintain the water level

You shouldn’t let the water level in your pool get too low (below the skimmer intake tubes). That will damage your filtration system and other pool components. If the water level is getting to that point, you can simply direct water into the pool for a few minutes. However, make sure to confirm any local water restrictions that may be in place before you do so.

Ensure you check the water level weekly while skimming the pool. If you’d rather not deal with that, consider investing in an automatic pool filler to take care of it.

There is an Alternative

All this adds up to quite a bit of commitment and work. Translation, it’ll suck up a lot of your time if you decide to go through with it. If you don’t have the time to spare for it, the best alternative – probably the only one – is to hire a professional service or company here in Duarte to do it for you.

One of the best options in that regard is our company, Specialty Aquatic Tile Cleaning. We are knowledgeable and experienced and have the tools and experience necessary to keep your pool beautiful, clean, and healthy without you having to worry about it. Our clients agree.

You can call us any time you want to schedule regular home Pool maintenance or cleaning sessions for your pool. We’re fair in our charges.