How to Remove Large Calcium Deposits in a Water Heater
Calcium deposits are formed on surfaces that touch hard water. Even though these deposits occur naturally, they can cost you a lot of money if you do not eliminate them. Calcium deposits can cause a water heater to increase fuel use by 40 percent or more. It is beneficial to observe these deposits and withdrawals, when possible.

Instructions to remove large calcium deposits from water heater
- Drain all water from the water heater tank.
- Remove the drain valve. With a wrench, unscrew the valve.
- Insert a long, narrow brush through the space from which you have removed the drain valve. Rub each inside surface of the bottom of the tank with the brush.
- Reinstall the drain valve. Apply Teflon tape on the outside of the valve to prevent leaks.
- Open the drain valve and attach a garden hose to it.
- Open the water supply through the hose and in the water heater. Leave on for 15 to 20 seconds and then turn it off.
- Let all the water drain out of the tank.
- Repeat this filling and draining process until the water draining from the stove is clear.