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How Often Should You Clean a Public Pool?

Public pools exist as a way to provide commercial swimming maintenance service to people who don’t have access to their very own. Swimming is a great way to stay healthy, but the can get very messy. Think about it: it’s open to anyone who can swim, or wants to try their hand at it, and their hygiene (and decency – there are people who’ve done a number one in the ) is certainly not assured. When swimming, it’s not uncommon to swallow a bit of water, and when it comes to public pools, putting your health in the hands of other people’s consciences is not the best idea. That’s why it’s the duty of the pool owner to conduct pool cleaning regularly. What Does Public Pool Cleaning Involve?

Cleaning a swimming pool is not similar to what you do with dirty laundry water. You can’t just throw out the old and refill. It requires its own techniques to produce pool water safe for children and adults.

Chemicals Commercial Pool Maintenance

Regulating the chemicals in the pool is a great way to start. Too much and you might have victims with mild to severe chemical burns (let’s not mention accidental swallowing). Too little and your pool is a breeding ground for microbes of various origins. Professionals are the way to go in this case. 


The pH levels of the pool water have to be maintained between a healthy range of 7.4 and 7.8. Too low pH levels lead to a giant vat of acid. This acid will have a deteriorating effect on the pool wall plaster and your customers’ health.

If the pH is too high, the disinfectant power of chlorine is rendered practically useless. Germs will begin to flourish in your pool.

Vacuuming and scrubbing Commercial pool

This is important to keep it in good shape — but how often should you clean it?

This depends on certain factors such as the size of the pool, how many people visit it, and even the season. In summer, your pool is likely to need more frequent cleaning for two reasons:


      • The heat dries up the ground, making dust. This dust will get everywhere. Your pool isn’t left out. 

      • Heat will drive up the number of people looking to cool down in a pool. You will likely have more customers until fall. 

    As you read on, you will find out more about how these and other factors affect the frequency of commercial pool maintenance.


    Daily cleaning is the most important thing you can do to keep your pool in good shape. It is a routine task that should be done by a pool maintenance company or someone who has been trained by one.

    The daily cleaning process includes vacuuming and brushing the floor, scrubbing walls and steps, as well as rinsing out all filters and hoses (and maybe even replacing them). Your local water treatment facility might be able to recommend an appropriate person for this type of work if they know what kind of equipment will work best for your situation—just make sure not to get anyone from outside California!


    Weekly pool cleaning is recommended for residential pools, commercial pools and hotel pools. Weekly pool cleaning is also recommended for school and health club pools.

    Pool owners often don’t know whether their pool needs to be cleaned more often than once per week or less often than that, which can make it difficult to determine whether they have an algae problem or not. In order to determine this, you need to determine the average number of people traffic to your pool every day and the size of the pool. If the number is greater than 5 a day, and you have a 20×40 pool, then weekly pool cleaning may be necessary.


    The best way to ensure that your pool is safe for swimmers is to check it monthly. This commercial pool maintenance will help you identify any problems before they take a turn for the worse, and make sure everything stays in good order throughout the year.

    To do this, you need to know what kind of information should be on your checklist. You’ll want:

    A record of all chlorine levels and pH levels (pH is related to how acidic or alkaline a substance is). These numbers should be checked at least once per week during the summer months when people are using the pool more often. If there’s something wrong with either one of these parameters—if they’re too high or too low—you’ll need someone who knows what they’re doing (like an expert) on-site at all times because no one else can fix those issues without knowing how!


    The seasonality of public pools is determined by the climate and the type of pool. In general, pools with an in-ground liner will require more frequent cleaning than those with a vinyl liner.

    The seasonality of a public pool is also determined by its location and size. If you live in an area that has warm summers and cool winters, then it’s likely your pool will have high humidity levels during the summer months when people come out to swim or use their pools as an ice rink. This can mean that bacteria like Legionella grows on surfaces within your facility—especially since children tend to play around them without gloves on!

    Cleaning your pool is a regular part of maintaining it. You should daily, weekly, or monthly depending on the frequency with which you use it.

    The most common reason for not cleaning a public pool regularly enough is that customers assume that they don’t need to clean their pools unless they’re ‘dirty’. However, this isn’t true—pools require regular maintenance just like any other part of your house or business!

    In addition to keeping bacteria from growing in the water and causing illnesses like Legionnaires’ disease (a type of pneumonia caused by breathing in contaminated air), regular commercial pool maintenance will also help prevent algae growth as well as keep chlorine levels low enough for safe swimming all year round!

    All this can add up to quite a bit of maintenance work, especially if you judge your pool to be in need of daily or weekly cleaning. But when there are companies like Specialty Aquatic Tile Cleaning ready, willing, and qualified to handle it all for you for as long as you will it, it becomes unnecessary.

    That hassle-free existence is just one phone call away. Take it and have no regrets.