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How to Clean the Joints of Your Swimming Pool Tiles

are very easy to clean. Because the dirt is usually the same ones found in damp rooms such as kitchen, bathroom, shower and swimming pool.

On the other hand, cleaning the joints is another story! Under the action of humidity and corrosive water treatment products (, salt, bromine), the joints become dirty, blacken and stain with mold.

Here are some practical tips for cleaning the joints of swimming pool tiles.

Natural stone and glass tile combo

Maintenance of the joints of a tiled swimming pool

Bacteria, germs and microorganisms proliferate on fouled joints, which is not optimal for bathing in clean, healthy water. The pool robot is certainly very effective: it sucks up dirt, leaves, detritus, hair … but it does not remove scale which becomes encrusted at the joints.

There are different natural and ecological products to clean the joints of a tiled swimming pool.

  • Baking soda to whiten joints

Mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water with a few drops of dish soap. Spray and leave to act for ten minutes. Rinse with clear water and allow to dry.

  • White alcohol vinegar to remove lime

Pour white vinegar into a container and add a little washing-up liquid. Rub the joints with a toothbrush, leave to act, and rinse with clear water. You can also mix a glass of alcohol vinegar with two spoonfuls of baking soda. Same process: rub, leave on, and rinse with water.

Lemon and black soap are also natural and effective products to remove lime that lodges in the joints of the tiles.

Cleaning a swimming with a magic sponge

The magic sponge , also called magic eraser, makes it possible to clean the water line, the tile joints of the swimming pool , the deposits of tartar … To use it is easy: just moisten the sponge then rub the interstices of the tiles. It is an economical and quick solution for cleaning your tiled pool. The price of a magic sponge is around 2 euros, and they are generally sold in batches at attractive prices.

On the other hand, if the joints of a tiling are too damaged, they must be redone . It is advisable to call on a competent pool specialist or a tiler who has the necessary know-how to work on a swimming pool. Indeed, the good quality of the joints of a swimming pool is essential. The seals ensure perfect sealing and good insulation of the pool. Be careful, because leaky seals can sometimes cause water infiltration at the level of the basin.

Some precautions to take when cleaning the joints of a swimming

Bleach is not recommended because it is too corrosive. In addition, its use is dangerous during its handling. This product should not be mixed with other products as the fumes can be harmful and toxic.

The jet cleaner is to be used with caution: its jet is powerful and poorly controlled, this accessory can take off the seals without cleaning them.

Get more guidance from a professional pool cleaner near you.