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5 Signs You Need to Call a Nearby Fire Restoration Company for Your Pool Immediately

We understand how it feels when you’re left to face the aftermath of a fire alone. You can even be at risk of having a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder after such a horrible experience. The sad part of the story is that, after such a fire experience, you might still need to put some things in order, like your pool. A nearby is one of those people that can help you put your pool in order while empathizing with you.

By calling an emergency fire restoration service on time, you can prevent these health risks caused by a sooth-filled pool after experiencing fire damage. That’s why we’ve written this article to help you know when to quickly call a professional fire restoration service. 

Let’s get started!

Key Highlights

  • If you notice some signs such as visible soot and ash, water contamination, damaged pool equipment, algae growth and water imbalance in your pool after a fire, ensure you call a nearby at once to fix the issue and prevent further damage.
  • When you want to hire a for your pool cleanup, ensure you check their experience, reputation, response time, fire clean up services, reconstruction process, and any other services you may need. This will help you make an informed decision that will effectively restore your pool’s health and give you peace of mind.

Common Signs that Indicate Calling an Emergency Fire Restoration Service

Here’s the truth: fire damage not only affects your indoor air quality, it can also make your pool a death trap. However, if you notice these signs early and call a nearby fire restoration company on time, you can still save your pool.

1. Visible soot and ash in your pool

After experiencing fire damage, soot and ash can settle on your belongings, upholstery, and even your pool. These particles are not only harmful to your health, but they can also lead to structural damage to your pool’s filtration system. 

So, if you notice a layer of soot and ash on the water surface of your pool or around your pool area, it’s a clear sign that you need a professional fire cleanup team to avoid further smoke damage. They not only have the expertise and experience to thoroughly clean and restore your pool’s sparkling state, they’ll also ensure that it’s safe for you and your loved ones.

2. Water contamination

Here’s something you should know: Fire can cause various chemicals and debris to enter your pool, which contaminates your . Most of these contaminants, such as toxic substances from burnt materials and firefighting chemicals, can create a conducive environment for mold growth and also lead to serious health challenges. 

After a fire, ensure you check your pool and if the water looks murky, has an unusual color, or emits a smoke smell, it’s crucial to call a nearby fire restoration company that has a fast response time. When they arrive, the first thing they’ll do is to assess the water quality of your pool. If it’s unsafe, they’ll treat it to remove harmful substances, and restore your pool to a safe condition.

3. Damaged pool equipment

It’s possible to find out that the heat and smoke from the fire have damaged some of your pool equipment, like your pumps, filters, and heaters. Depending on the extent of damage, it can lead to water damage and malfunctions that will require expensive repairs. 

So, if you notice any signs of damage to your pool equipment, such as strange noises, reduced efficiency, or visible burns, ensure you quickly contact a fire restoration company. They can inspect, repair, and replace your damaged pool equipment. With their help, you can ensure your pool gears operate smoothly again even after a house fire.

4. Structural damage around the pool area

Do you know that house fires can cause significant structural damage to the areas surrounding your pool, such as decks, fences, and nearby buildings? This extensive damage can affect the safety and integrity of your pool area. 

If you notice cracks, warping, or instability in the structures around your pool, then you need an emergency fire restoration service. They’ll assess the extent of the damage and carry out necessary repairs to restore the safety and aesthetic appeal of your pool area.

5. Algae growth and water imbalance

No pool owner wants to see algae grow in their pool, as it can be a big turnoff when they want to relax after a stressful day. We know you don’t want that too as it can spread quickly, turning your pool water green and making it unsafe for swimming.

A fire damage can cause your pool’s water chemistry to be thrown off balance, leading to issues like algae growth. If you notice algae growth or suspect an imbalance in your pool’s water chemistry, it’s crucial to seek professional help. A nearby fire restoration company can address these issues. They can help you to restore your water balance, and clean your pool efficiently to prevent further problems.

Why Call a Nearby Fire Restoration Company?

Here’s the truth: If you notice any of these signs and call a nearby fire restoration company on time, you can save your pool and prevent further deterioration of your pool’s health. A nearby fire restoration company not only has the specialized skills and equipment to handle all your pool issues, they also have a fast response time to help you prevent further disruption after experiencing fire damage.

When they arrive at your home, they’ll clean your pool water, decontaminate it, and repair any damaged structure or equipment. With their experience and quality services, they can help you restore your pool’s health and make it look as though the fire incident never happened.

Choosing the Right Fire Restoration Company

When it comes to pool restoration, some homeowners make the mistake of choosing just any fire restoration company after experiencing fire damage. Their clean up services might seem cheaper, but they may not have the right experience in dealing with complex pool issues caused by the fire damage. That’s why you need to consider some factors when finding the right fire damage restoration company in your area.

You should check their experience, reputation, response time, fire clean up services, reconstruction process, and any other services you may need. You can also check their customer reviews to find out if they have a track record of successfully restoring the pools of their previous clients after a fire. If you consider these factors, you’ll make an informed decision and choose a company that meets your swimming pool restoration needs.

Are you looking for a reputable and nearby fire restoration company in California? Then, Calcium killers are the right choice for you. We can help you when you need a fire damage restoration clean up to restore your pool’s health. Our expert cleanup team has the right equipment, skills, and experience to help you get rid of smoke particles and odors in your pool area that are harmful to your health. And guess what? Our services are fast and affordable. Let’s help you restore your pool’s original state. Reach out to us now!