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5 Reliable Ways to Keep Your Pool Clean All Year Round

The greatest challenge in having a swimming pool is keeping it clean all year round. Some practices can help you achieve a year-round clean pool.

In this blog, we will explore 5 reliable ways to keep your pool clean all year round.

Let’s swim! 

1. Regular skimming and brushing 

Brushing the walls of your swimming pool is a crucial part of keeping algae out of the pool and clean all year round. To keep your pool clean all year round brush the walls twice a week. When brushing your pool, pay special attention to areas, such as behind ladders and steps that are not reached by your pool’s circulation system. If you notice algae on your swimming pool walls, it is because you haven’t been brushing it properly. Call Calciumkillers for a thorough cleaning process.

Skim your swimming pool daily with a pool skimmer if you want to maintain a clean pool all year round. When leaves and debris fall on your pool’s surface, use the skim to remove them immediately. If you are nonchalant about the leaves that fall on your pool, they may sink and begin to decompose at the bottom of your pool.

Tools for skimming and brushing 

There is usually a built-in skim in pools, if your pool doesn’t have then use a hand skimmer or a robotic skimmer. Use a pool brush with nylon bristles to brush your pool. Avoid metal brushes because they can damage the surface of your pool.

2. Maintain proper chemical balance 

The key to a crystal-clear swimming pool all year round is proper chemical balancing. Maintaining your pool’s chemical level can be easy if you know how. Your pool’s needs are different during spring and summer. Your pool’s water is affected by everything that comes in contact with it. From swimmers and weather to the pesticides used in the lawn outside the pool.

How often should you test your water?

You should test your pool water regularly, so you can maintain the chemical level. Overall you should test your swimming pool once every week. But how often you test your pool would depend on the frequency of usage, the number of people and pets that use your pool, recent pest treatment on or close to you, and weather conditions( heat, rain, cold, and wind).

Adjust the and alkalinity

The level of your pool should be between 7.2 and 7.8. If the level of your poor is too high, add a decreaser like sodium sulfate to the water. If too low, then add a pH increase like sodium carbonate to the water to balance the pH level. The chlorine level of your pool should be between 1 and 3 ppm. And the total alkalinity of your pool should be between 80 and 120 ppm.

3. Cover your pool 

One reason your pool goes dirty quickly is the lack of a pool cover. Covering your pool with a pool cover when it’s not in use can help to keep it clean all year round. This will reduce the amount of maintenance required and save costs.

There are different types of Pool covers but you should go for a sunny test pool cover, it is foldable and can maintain the temperature of water in the pool. With a pool cover, you can prevent dirt, debris, and leaves from entering your pool when it’s not in use.  A pool cover also enhances safety and prevents drowning.

4. Regular Filter Maintenance 

Regular filter maintenance is important for ensuring that your pool stays clean and clear all year round. The filter is responsible for removing dirt and debris from the water and aiding water circulation. So if the filter becomes clogged or dirty, it won’t be able to do its job effectively. 

If you’re using a sand filter then you should backwash every 1 – 4 weeks and do thorough cleaning once a year. For a cartridge filter, clean it every 2 – 6 weeks and do a deep clean once a year. If your filter is a DE pool filter then you should backwash it every 1-3 months and do a thorough clean once a year. Here are some tips for maintaining your pool’s filter to keep your pool clean all year round. 

Check the filter pressure 

You should always check your filter pressure to know when to clean the filter. If the pressure should increase to 5-10 psi or if the filter pressure is 8-10 psi above, then it’s time to clean your filter.  

Clean the filter

Before you clean the filter, turn off the pool pump. You may need to backwash, rinse or dismantle the filter depending on the type of filter you’re using. Follow the user manual to clean your specific filter. If your filter gets bad you should replace it to ensure your pool is clean all year round. 

Schedule professional maintenance

Cleaning your filter would increase the lifespan and keep your pool clean all year round. But can you clean it properly? For a more effective and efficient cleaning call a professional to inspect your filter and do a thorough cleaning to ensure your pool is safe and clean all year round. 

5. Hire a Professional Pool Cleaner 

Regular maintenance, skimming, and brushing can go a long way in keeping Your poor clean. But if you’re serious about keeping your pool clean all year round then you should consider involving a professional pool cleaner. By hiring Calciumkillers, you are sure your pool would be well-maintained regularly and kept clean all year round. Here are some reasons why you should hire a professional.

  • Professional pool cleaners would save you time and stress in cleaning yourself.
  • They have the experience and expertise it requires. 
  • They have access to specialized pool cleaning equipment that is not available to regular pool owners.

Looking to Keep Your Pool Clean All Year Round 

Are you tired of cleaning your pool regularly without achieving your aim? Cleaning your swimming pool yourself can be challenging and tiring because you must not miss any spot. For efficient and effective cleaning of your pool in Los Angeles, call Calciumkillers.

We offer pool cleaning, maintenance, and repair service. Allow us to keep your pool clean all year round. For a job well done,  reach us now.