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Pool Maintenance Q & A: The Expert Answers You Want

While pools entertain your family and friends, it is also a beautiful addition to your property. However, it requires regular pool maintenance. is very important. It helps you to preserve the cleanliness and health of your pool.

and maintenance can become overwhelming. It leaves you with lots of questions about what to do about your pool. If this sounds like you, you’re in luck. Here, you will find the common questions people have about pool maintenance. You will also find expert answers to these questions.

becomes easier after this. Let’s dive in!

Why Do I Need the Chemical and Water Level for My Pool Maintenance?

The right chemical and water level is important for your pool to be safe for people to swim in it. Shortage of in the pool water makes it a breeding ground for bacteria. This makes the pool unhealthy.

Also, excessive quantity of chemicals can lead to dry skin, eyes, and hair. It can also pollute the environment, making it toxic for humans. Thus, the pH level of the pool should be between 7.4-7.6. The ideal alkalinity level is between 80-120 ppm. When it is lower or higher than these values, it becomes unsafe and unhealthy.

What is the Meaning of Cloudy Water?

Having cloudy water in your pool is an abnormal situation. It signifies contaminants in the pool. Sometimes, the cloudy color is because of the lotions, shampoos, and conditioners from the bodies of the pool users.

It can also show a problem with the filtration system. This means that the filter is due for a change. You need to run the filter system for a longer time. It will ensure that the water circulates well and gets rid of the contaminants.

The pH level of the water can also be the reason for the cloudiness. Here, you need to conduct a pH test and use chemical adjustment methods to resolve the problem.

What Does Green Pool Water Mean?

When the pool water turns green, the common reason is algae in it. Algae can grow from the metal or phosphates in the water. The best way to deal with it is to carry out a pool cleaning exercise where you vacuum the pool to remove these debris.

You also wash the pool floor and walls. You still need to conduct another pH test to know whether the adjustment fixed the problem.

When Do I Need to Backwash My Filter?

Your pool’s filter is important for your other pool maintenance methods to work. So, pool cleaning is incomplete without cleaning or back-washing the filter. It is ideal to clean the filter every pool season.

However, the frequency with which you use your pool has a role to play in determining when the filter needs cleaning. It could also depend on the filter size and the quantity of debris in your pool after each use. To get the best result, the pressure should be 8-10 psi than usual before you backwash it.

How to Remove Algae from Your Pool?

You can prevent algae from taking over your pool. You don’t need to get to where the algae takes over the pool before you act. Proper pool cleaning and maintenance should keep algae at bay.

However, to deal with these algae, the first step is identifying the type of algae in your pool. There are various kinds of algae. They are the green algae, yellow algae, and black algae.

The green ones are the most common algae out there. They are also the easiest to destroy. The yellow algae are also quite common. However, you can easily mistake it for sand or dirt that is on the pool floor. The yellow algae also grows on the pool walls.

The most difficult algae to remove are the black ones. This is because the roots are deeper. They penetrate the surface of the pool. Cleaning the pool and the filter thoroughly is the starting point.

Then, you need to adjust the alkalinity and pH level of the pool water. You also need to adjust the chlorine and cyanuric acid level. Make these adjustments before treating your pool using the right algaecide for the algae type.

Why Do I Need to Shock for My Pool Maintenance and How Long Should I Wait Before Swimming in it?

Pool shocking is a major pool cleaning and maintenance method. The process uses a lot of chemicals to the water, including chlorine. This explains why you need to be sure that the water is now safe for swimming before jumping in.

It is best to shock your pool in the evening. This will allow it to run throughout the night. You should wait for twelve hours before you use your pool. Shocking your pool weekly is necessary to remove the dirt and chloramine from the pool water.

Swimming in a recently shocked pool can cause skin irritations. The chemicals in the water will also sting your eyes. It can also lead to serious conditions like lung irritation. So, it is very dangerous to swim in a shocked pool.

People shock pools for different reasons. It removes the contaminants in the pool, especially if you left the pool open during a storm or downpour. If you’ve recently had a pool party or lots of persons jumping in your pool, then your pool needs shocking.

The shocking will remove the contaminants and bacteria from the increased pool traffic. Pool shocking also helps you to remove combined chlorine from the water. Thus, shocking it makes your pool safe for use again.

Do I Need Regular Shocking for My Pool?

Absolutely! Your pool needs weekly shocking to take out all the bacteria, dirt, and contaminants in it. Salt waters are not left out. They also need weekly shocking.

Does Salt Water Pool Need Chlorine?

Apart from the weekly shocking, you don’t need to add chlorine to your salt water daily. The salt water pool has a system that produces chlorine from the salt. Hence, there is no need for you to add chlorine to it again.

Need More Answers to Your Pool Questions?

We will be happy to answer them and also assist with your pool maintenance needs. Our certified technicians will provide you with a professional pool cleaning service in Los Angeles County and Palm Springs. Book us for your pool cleaning service in Los Angeles County and Palm Springs today.